Monday, December 31, 2007

Captain Lennon

Ever since Lennon was born, a hand across his forehead or a makeshift hat would always prompt Katharine to exclaim "Captain Lennon!".
Katharine and I now call him 'the Captain' all the time, but Iria never does- silently discouraging this potential lifer' nickname, I assume.

T-Rex vs. Pig: Round 1?

A battle royale has slowly been brewing between T-Rex and Pig over the last few days. There have been a handful of skirmishes around the castle that have been scaring off the princesses, and today they faced off over a half-eaten apple slice.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Barnes and Noble outing

Lukas and Big Daddy; he loves this thing.

Dashing through the halls.

Ready for the next book.

Katharine reading.

Hunting and gathering the dinosaur toys.

Bench fun.

Wheels and books; a winning combination.

Lennon slept through it all.

After an hour- ready to leave,,

"I don't want to be in fashion, I want to be me"

Katharine quote from yesterday (with corresponding outfit).

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas! Part 2

Santa ate the cookie!

Scouting out gifts.

Lukas can't believe it; gift after gift after gift.

Katharine got her angel.

Iria and the kids opening presnts.

Katharine giving me my present.

Taking a rest after the gifts have been opened.

The Christmas fallout zone.

She got the flashlight!

Sweet tooths, working on the first of their many lollipops (or "pops", as Lukas says).

Christmas Lennon.

More Christmas Lennon.

Yep, we trashed it.

Merry Christmas! Part 1

I took some photos of our Christmas setup before it gets trashed in 7 hours.

Everyone has lots of presents and their stockings are stuffed. Santa even finished off the drink and cookie.

In Germany they put out shoes or boots instead of stockings- and that is a tradition that fits Iria just fine.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Gingerbread Cookies

An annual tradition with us. Can't say how they taste yet, but I'll be sure to update again soon.

Christmas countdown

Some snippets from life over the past day or so as Christmas approaches.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Animal Art

Here are some snippets from a larger animal drawing that Katharine worked on this evening. She drew with a regular #2 pencil, so I kept the scans black and white.

Tigers, kangaroo and elephants; in case you couldn't guess. :)
I really love her line work on the elephants. She created different patterns for the trunk, ears and body,,, and then one more for motion and sound (the lines above the big elephant's trunk).