Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A growing baby

We had an ultrasound yesterday and everything is looking great.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Katharine's new bike

Katharine had bruises on her knees from banging them up against the handle bars on her old bike. A new bike was in order (and I just thought I would need to buy her new shoes and pants as she grew up).

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rub a dub dub,,

Rub a dub dub,

Three kids in a tub,

And who do you think they be?

The singer, the splasher,

the acid reflexer.

Turn them out, rascals all three!

Wii play

Here is Katharine and Lukas playing the Zelda Wii game. They are in a field where birds swoop down overhead, so you swing the controller like a sword to fight them off.

Note that Lukas's controller isn't even plugged into anything,,, but he doesn't care. He might see me play this game once a week at the most, but he is obsessed with it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cutting paper

This was going to be a funny post about "Katharine scissor-hands" censoring a comic.

But right now Katharine is curled up in her bed with Iria, crying her little eyes out. Every year, like clockwork, she remembers the anniversary of her Opa’s death. She cut up the comic book because a fish named Goldi dies in it, and she wanted to take out all of the bad parts.

RIP Harry.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lock the doors

We were watching American Idol tonight, and after this guy finished singing Katharine said "I like him; he's cute".

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mermaid cut-out

Katharine is in to creating cut-outs at the moment. I liked this mermaid of hers. I'll see if I can post some of her Easter eggs soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Sunday afternoon with Trinity

Katharine is having a great weekend. Yesterday she hangs out with Maya all day, and today she's got Trinity. Trinity came home with us after church, spent the afternoon, and then went back off to church with Katharine for Iria's bible study class.

Back to the afternoon: today's main course = pizza.

After lunch the two girls dashed upstairs and got ready to hit the beach.

I don't know how they swung it, but they came up with matching outfits.

The towell is shaken out, and they are almost ready to catch some rays on the white carpet sand.

A castle is set up, as the beach party probably begins to morph into a princess story.

Trinity on guard. Lukas usually gets to be the guard, but he was out with me buying fertilizer.

More princess transitioning going on,,, but I don't get the Jo Jo wig.

Trinity is now dressed up as Cinderella.

Katharine and Trinity in the secret fort behind our couch.

The aftermath. Katharine is happy now, but she won't be when she has to clean this up tonight.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Saturday with Maya

No Saturday with Maya is ever typical, so hopefully these pictures can demonstrate the winding paths these days take. We start off at an ice skating lesson. Katharine is happy to be on the ice, Maya is not (it is only her second time).

Maya does end up having fun, thanks to Katharine's great teacher Miss Macy.

Maya and Katharine on any given outing; dashing off at full speed hand in hand.

Snacks are served after the ice skating lesson.

Katharine meets up with her friend Sarah from her ice skating class.

After lunch at the Rodi Grill, we swing by Gearbox to run an errand and raid the snack room.

Sugaring up.

The sugaring up fall-out: Maya heads for the bathroom and Katharine starts doing crazy dances in the snack room closet. Note the bright orange fingers.

Katharine and Maya play pinball for the first time together. Katharine controls the left flipper, Maya the right.

Katharine continues on solo with only the left flipper. It doesn't work out so well.

Working off more of that sugar on the ledge outside of the building. They are up to lap six or seven by now.

On the way home they use up about half of my tissue box to create custom outfits for their miniature stuffed animals. In addition to her puffy dress, Katharine's cat has casts on both of her front legs. This is a typical Katharine/Maya theme; cuteness with a tinge of tragedy.

At home; dress-up with attitude. Today's princess word of the day: "accessories".

Lukas and Lennon, currently shut out by the girls, jam to the singing Easter Bunny.

A dinner of chicken nuggets and tater tots. Lennon is dangerously perched over everyone's plates, but his spit-ups have started to subside over the last few days and everything works out fine.

Maya playing baseball. This could be a good bubble gum card picture.

Maya spins around 2-3 times on every swing, so all you had to do was keep your finger on the shutter button and fun pictures materialized.

Lukas's bubble gum card picture.

A princess riding a bike- not a common sight,,,

Unless it is a Saturday with Maya.

Maya would usually go pretty far after a good push, but she probably is still a more natural breaker than peddler.

Lukas loves swings, especially when Jeramy pushes him.

No matter what a Saturday with Maya brings, the ending is all the same: a tearful hug goodbye.