Sunday, October 31, 2010


Here is a shot of the group before we headed out tonight, putting on their best spooky monster faces.

I'll post some more pics tomorrow.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Mayor of Frisco Bought us Pizza

Gearbox was given a suite for today's FC Dallas playoff game (we won, 2-1!), as Frisco is trying to convince us to move our offices over from Plano. The mayor even stopped by to talk to Brian and eat some pizza (they don't call it "Pizza Hut Park" for nothing).

Not the greatest of photos... apparently these are the kinds of shots you get when you ask kids to turn around in the middle of a good game.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Yesterday afternoon, we went on our annual pilgrimage to the CUMC Pumpkin Patch. Keira and Lukas ended up taking their shoes off running through the hay. They jumped over, sat on and rolled pumpkins around. We left 20 pumpkins and one assplosion later.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Decorating Kassidy

Keira is decorating Kassidy with stickers this morning.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Window Crayons

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random pictures

Samantha and Julie with witch hats we made in book club:

Keira in one of Gwen's old leotards, getting ready for dance this morning:

Kassidy, napping outside:

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vacation Portraits

I took a few photos on the trip, but for the most part I kept the camera in the bag. Here are some of my favorites:

The Cabin

Garden of the Gods

Pike's Peak

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Manitou Cliff Dwellings

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Big Texan Steak Ranch and Motel

Well, that's it.

Next road trip... Destin, Florida?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rocky Mountain Vacation

Here is a short video of some fun memories from the trip:

Friday, October 15, 2010


1432 miles round trip...
16+ hours in the car...

glad to be home (but still had tons of fun)!

Cowgirl Breakfast

We returned to the Cowboy restaurant this morning for breakfast, and being the only customers the manager brought out a bunch of freebies for us. The kids all got cowboy hats and a desert surprise.

Fun times!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Texan Steak Ranch

Went to some crazy Texan steakhouse while the vegetarian and kids slept. Lots of cowboy hats and antler decor.

They offer a free 72 ounce steak if you can eat it within an hour, but I couldn't even finish my 16 ouncer.

Big Texan

Our motel for the night:

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The same hinterland diaper change place had these beautiful tiles on the walls of some long gone trading post/ souvenir store.

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The Middle of Nowhere

We stopped in a small town to stretch our legs, after driving a few hours down endless roads that cut through the flat grassy plains of New Mexico.

It was close to being deserted, and most of the shops had long since closed down.

The kids found some cracked pottery and used it as chalk.

We eventually found one resident around the building that we parked at- a black widow spider.

We're outta here!

On the road to New Mexico

A quick stop-over to change out diapers and dvd's.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

This afternoon we went to the zoo. We fed giraffes, had a lion roar at us, Keira tried to chase a peacock, saw mountain lions three feet away from us and the grizzly and Kassidy slept. The weather is gorgeous, feels like fall everyday and we are having a great time.

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