Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Curious Comfort

Kassidy has the strangest collection of treasures.

The poky dotted pink gold accented unicorn is named "Fantasia", and is her favorite stuffed animal. 

She has had the blanket since she was a baby, and it has been rapidly disintegrating from use as it gets ripped and then knotted up again to stay pieced together.

That said, these both fit her personality and we love them because Kassidy does :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Art of Language

Kassidy and the boys made up a new language on Saturday,

It is currently non-verbal, but just give them some time..

Shortcake and Stripes

Because of her busy schedule, Katharine did most of her birthday celebrations on Sunday.

Iria made some great strawberry shortcake for her, and she opened up some small presents to go along with the birthday cash.

She got a Ravenclaw shirt, a Minnie Mouse mug, a Diablo 3 Treasure Goblin figurine, and some reflector panels for her photography.

Later on in the day we all went out to Glorias for her birthday meal.

Fun times!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Happy Birthday, Katharine!

Katharine turned F O U R T E E N today.

She remains everything that Iria and I could have ever wished for in a child. 

No pressure :)

Not so surprising, she is going to be out of the house doing dance stuff from 8 AM until 11 PM today, so we will do the presents and cake tomorrow. 

Until then, Katharine facts -

Favorite color - purple or teal
Favorite food - pizza and any desert
Least favorite food - squash
Favorite school subject - civics and English
Least favorite school subject - math
When you grow up you want to be a - ballet dancer / Broadway performer / artist
Has a little crush on - Eddie Redmayne (Fantastic Beasts actor)
Favorite book read last year - the Selection series
Favorite movie seen last year - Fantastic Beasts
Favorite TV shows - Supergirl / Great British Baking / Project Runway / Amazing Race / Survivor
Fav song - anything from Rent or Chicago
Hobbies - drawing, singing, dancing, photography, reading, crafting, video games, writing
Trump or Hillary - Hillary
Pick a problem in the world that you would want to solve - poverty
Favorite thing to do with Mom - talking in the car and going to dance practice/events
Favorite thing to do with Dad - talking , watching tv, and playing video games
Favorite thing to do with Lukas - play video games
Favorite thing to do with Lennon - having talks and discussions
Favorite thing to do with Keira - being her big sister
Favorite thing to do with Kassidy - sisterly duties
Three things you would bring with you to a deserted island - sketchbook / kindle / Sherman dog
Harry Potter house - Ravenclaw
Where you would want to go on vacation -Caribbean  cruise
Best friends at dance - Abby, Barbara, Bethany
Best friends outside of dance - Maya, Liam, Charlotte, Trinity, Kaylee
Fav dance teacher - ms lyndette and ms Jan
Fan fiction that Katharine writes - Diablo / Scorbus (Scorpius and Albus) / Harry Potter / Hinny (Harry and Ginny)
Dance rehearsal time per week - 12-15 hours
 What do you think you will be doing in 5 years - professional dance company or art in college
 What do you think you will be doing in 10 years - have a stable job in any of her jobs
 What do you think you will be doing in 25 years - family and steady job- just be happy
What she does on her phone late at night - reading / YouTube
What superhero power would she want to have - flight
Favorite ballets - Copellia and Swan Lake
What she is hoping for this year - becoming a full member on the ensemble / her left foot back to normal / do well at school
Favorite Katharine quote - "Goodnight Mommy and Daddy- you're the best!"

"A" Great Student

Keira's latest report card:

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Who's Those Girls?

Keira performed in a Seuss'ical Musical at her school tonight. 

She dressed up as a Who girl. 

Her teacher, Mrs. Noll, and friend Kaylee came as themselves :)

Monday, January 16, 2017

Have Humnongous Carriage, Will Travel

Somebody from church gave us this carriage yesterday, which is apparently good for 11 year old boys in addition to dolls.

Not seen in the pic is the Echo that Keira put in one of the compartments to use as the car stereo.

Snow, a Little While Ago..

I have been slow with the posts this year. 

This one is from last week, where we got a dusting of snow after a few days in the 20's.

I think we deserved more snow than that for dealing with all of that cold. 

Maybe later on this winter :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hugs and Z's

Kassidy has been missing Keira since she moved out of the room, so Lennon joined her last night to help her sleep. They were like this the whole night.