Friday, November 30, 2018

Late Night TV

I have been re-watching Game of Thrones with Katharine, as she goes through the series for the first time.

This is when having kids starts to pay off :)

License to Lego

Lukas has been playing way too much Red Dead Redemption 2 and is surrounded by way too many piles of Lego; but a good thing came out of it all when he designed and built this cool looking pistol that has a working bullet chamber that fires Lego bricks (errr, "bullets").


Daddy / Daughter Date

Kassidy and I had a rare night out together, while everyone else was at church choir and the Nutcracker.

Dinner was at the California Pizza Kitchen (a tortilla soup for me, mac and cheese for Kassidy) and then we walked over to Barnes and Noble and bought a new book for her.

I made a mistake and mentioned that the DFW area was under a tornado watch (Kassidy is really paranoid about tornadoes) but the bad weather passed east of us and we stayed dry.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Morning Routine

A bowl of Raisin Bran cereal (with extra raisins added) and the New York Tines on my computer.

And sometimes Pepper stops by for a little affection (and a lick of milk).

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Parting Shots

The Martels have gone home, but will be back in January again.

Here are a some parting shots of the boys:

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Scenes from Thanksgiving

We spent another wonderful Thanksgiving at the Martels today. 

Here are some random pictures that I took when I wasn't busy having a fun time.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Lego Ornaments

The wife and kids made some cool Lego ornaments last week.

We are going to need some strong branches!

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Just goes to show how boring showers are.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Benefits of Getting a Kitten

Here is Katharine's eloquent essay for adopting a kitten.

Not going to work (famous last words?).. but I was impressed!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Lego Christmas Ornaments

The family broke out the Legos tonight and built some cool Christmas ornaments.

Did I just say... Christmas??