Monday, December 31, 2018

General Sherman

Living up to his famous name, Sherman was assisting Katharine fight battles in Risk.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

All Smiles

Sorry Dad, special request from Mom (when you were helping the Grand-kids build their birdhouse).

This is from a photo from \around 15 years ago. Dad was holding a baby and standing next to Mom (the reasons for his big smile, I presume) but Mom wanted me to Photoshop everything out but Dad :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

All in the Family

Here is our annual family portrait in front of the lobby Christmas tree at church.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Pre-Christmas at the Peacock

Keira is still friends with Emma, who she knew way back when they went to school together in McKinney.

Kassidy and Emma's sister Mika are also friends.

This weekend, the Peacock Theater was throwing a birthday party and they invited a bunch of kids from Gearbox to join in.

Of course this being the Peacock Theater, they flew in "Silly Billy", the top children's performer from NYC, to perform.

Both of the girls got pulled onto the stage to join in on the fun.

Keira had the slightly better luck :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Post Birthday Perks

Chocolate cake for breakfast!

Christmas Concert

Iria's favorite time of the holiday season is our church's annual Christmas Concert, which is also a favorite for the family and community as well.

By the very end, the entire Von Doescher family are up on stage together (minus Dad) as the combined choirs sing "The First Noel". 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Happy Birthday, Lukas!

Lukas turned 13 today, our second child to reach that milestone.

We've seen none of that severe teenage angst yet- he is still a wonderful kid and we are loving watching him grow up (but are also a little saddened by it).

Lukas facts:

Loves video games, action figures, and Legos (such a kid)
Uses the expression "Lit!" to describe anything that he thinks is cool
Currently playing: Red Dead Redemption 2
Favorite school subject this past year: zoology
Least favorite: math
Currently listening to: The Hamilton soundtrack
Favorite video game characters: Link and John/Dutch/Arthur from Red Dead
Favorite food: Ramen noodles
Favorite desert: sherbet
What he wants to be when he grows up "no clue"
Least looking forward to now that he is a teenager: puberty
Most looking forward to: getting stronger
Dream vacation: The Caribbean
Favorite movie this past year: Mission Impossible 6
3 things he would bring with him to a deserted island: knife/fishing pole/jug of water
Who he thinks will die in the next Avengers movie: all of the original team
Favorite superhero: Deadpool
Favorite youtuber/streamer: jacksepticeye
Best goal from this past year: an indoor game where he scored the winning shot in the final second and then everyone dog piled on him
Currently reading: Akira and the Percy Jackson series
Best friends: Aiden / Gwen / Nathan
Favorite drink: water
Favorite number: 5
Birthday presents: fly fishing pole/Link action figure/SmashBros controller (Mom and Dad) lego set and xbox gift card (Grandma and Grandpa) $50 dollars in cash (Aunt Sue and Uncle Peter)
Birthday meal: takeout Chinese food

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Nutcracker Pics

Keira was the lone Doescher Nutcracker dancer this season, playing as a mouse and also moving up to a clown role.

I got to see her perform the clown dance at a mall event around two weeks later, and she did great. 

I always loved that dance :)


Craig came for a whirlwind  48 hour visit, which he should be sleeping off back in Seattle right now.

Everybody had a great time, and we can't wait until he visits again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Temporary Move

Only Keira would pack a bag to move to a new bed for two nights while Craig visits.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fit for Framing

I really dug this picture that Keira drew of Teddy and Jo this morning. 

It is a scene from the "Little Men" book that we are reading. She was laboring over all of the small details that she was putting in, and her nose was almost touching the paper at times.

Tonight I went into Photoshop for 15 minutes and dropped a quick Picasso palette on it and gave it a fancy frame. 

I would hang that up in my house :)

In the Wings

Keira performed at the North Park Mall yesterday.

I recorded her actual performances, but snapped some shots of her when she was waiting to go on.

Up top, she is the third clown from the left.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Perfect Form

Sherman in begging mode.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Rain or Shine

Lennon had skills with Nipper today, who loves to practice in the rain.

This was more of a Northwestern' style mist than a Northeaster style downpour, so he didn't get too soaked.