Friday, December 31, 2021

Into the Gorge

 We took another hike into the gorge today, and made it about twice as far as last time.

Next time we will reach the end- but even in defeat we always get some good times and pictures :)




Monday, December 27, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Some Christmas Pics

I was recording video the whole time, but here are a few snapshots.


Monday, December 20, 2021

4k Flames

 I don't know why my fire wasn't good enough, but at least they were watching it on a decent TV.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Home Again

Katharine returned home from college today, and will be with us for five weeks over winter break.

She was back to playing Overwatch with her bros after a short nap.



Thursday, December 16, 2021

Happy Birthday, Lukas!

  Lukas earned his 16 candles today, but he will have to wait until Sunday to blow them out (we delayed the birthday meal/cake until after Katharine gets back home). 

We are both so proud of how well Lukas has transitioned to the new school and lifestyle up here in New Hampshire, and we can't wait to see what path he takes next.

Time to take the "Colbert Questionert"!

  1. Best sandwich? - ham and cheese

  2. What's one thing you own that you really should throw out? - a toy Easter carrot

  3. What is the scariest animal? - alligator

  4. Apples or oranges? - oranges

  5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? - no

  6. What do you think happens when we die? - go to heaven

  7. Favorite action movie? - John Wick 3

  8. Favorite smell? - a fire in a fireplace

  9. Least favorite smell?  - peanut butter

  10. Exercise: worth it? - yes

  11. Flat or sparkling? - sparkling

  12. Most used app on your phone? - Disney +

  13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? - "Good Riddance" by Green Day

  14. What number am I thinking of? - 5

  15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? - hopefully but probably not successful

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Ladies and the Ladies Man

 Today was the last day of Linda and Hannelore's visit to NH. 

We loved spending time with them again after the long Covid break, and they will be missed by everyone (especially the dog).




Saturday, November 27, 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021

Brotherly Love

Kassidy loves to snuggle with her Grandpa and Uncle Richard. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Kassidy and Chavelle

 Kassidy's favorite horse is Dillon, but she has made other friends at Dusty Dog.

We were going to lease this horse, but a past tick bite that went bad has left him with some medical issues. 

He has bad days and good days, but the kids are still happy to train with him on the good ones.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Three Equestrians

Keira, with new friends Claire and Molly (volunteering at a school fundraiser).


Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Creek Chopper

 The creek that runs along the back of our property was overgrown with thorns and thickets when we moved in, so much so that you could hear it but not really see it. So I broke out the clippers and have been hacking through the overgrowth for the past few weeks. I pulled out what is hopefully the final thorn bush today, and just have to clear out a few more weeds and piles of discarded wood to finish it all up. 

Well not quite, I still have to rent a Uhaul and make a few trips to the dump- I've got about two dumpsters worth of weeds and thorns to discard :P

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Members Finally

 Me and the boys became members of the Hooper Golf Club, one of the top ranked nine hole golf courses in the world. We are some of the lowest ranked golfers in the world, so hopefully a little bit of Hooper will rub off on us.

Autumn in NH

When the thermometer hits 70..


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Happy Birthday, Iria!

 Iria grew another year more beautiful and wonderful today, and we celebrated with a road trip up to the White Mountains and explored a bunch of waterfalls and gorges. Her birthday lands at pretty much peak leaf color season, and how fitting is that?

Time to take the Colbert Questionert!

  1. Best sandwich? - peanut butter and jelly

  2. What's one thing you own that you really should throw out? - old dirndl dress from Germany

  3. What is the scariest animal? - mouse

  4. Apples or oranges? - apples

  5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? - Katharine Hepburn

  6. What do you think happens when we die? - a presence of our spirit remains on earth

  7. Favorite action movie? - Run Lola Run

  8. Favorite smell? - a field of flowers

  9. Least favorite smell?  - fish

  10. Exercise: worth it? - yes

  11. Flat or sparkling? - sparkling

  12. Most used app on your phone? - camera

  13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? - 'Jupiter' from Holst's "The Planets"

  14. What number am I thinking of? - 12

  15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? - by my dear husband's side

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Happy Birthday, Keira!

  Keira is an official teenager today. I guess she will now become independent, temperamental, emotional, and driven.

Oh wait, she was already all of those things!



Time to take the "Colbert Questionert"!

  1. Best sandwich? - sour dough bread and Nutella

  2. What's one thing you own that you really should throw out? - my cupcake socks

  3. What is the scariest animal? - snakes

  4. Apples or oranges? - apples

  5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? - Ms. Beadle from 'Little House on the Prairie'

  6. What do you think happens when we die? - you float up into the sky

  7. Favorite action movie? - Enola Holmes

  8. Favorite smell? - a horse

  9. Least favorite smell?  - old garbage

  10. Exercise: worth it? - yes

  11. Flat or sparkling? - flat

  12. Most used app on your phone? - Netflix

  13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? - "Wait for me (reprise)" from Hades Town

  14. What number am I thinking of? - 2

  15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? - farm horse author professional rider