Saturday, December 16, 2023

Happy Birthday, Lukas!

My oldest boy turned 18 today, which makes me feel even older than he does. But we couldn't be prouder of Lukas, who is turning into a wonderful son and human being. We are both looking forward to seeing what comes next for our boy, who is no longer "just a little guy" (as he used to call himself as a toddler).

20 Questions:

Introvert tor Extrovert?


What song does he like to sing/play out loud?

"Riptide" on the guitar

 What is a a perfect day for you?

No school, sleep in, and then play video games by himself

If you could travel to any place where would you go?


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A soccer player

Now what do you want to be when you grow up?

In the video game industry

What new skill do you want to learn?

How to drive well

What is an activity that calms you?

Playing guitar

What  is something that most of your friends don’t know about you?

That he sang in the choir

 What is your most prized possession?

Mickey Mouse R2d2 from Aiden

What can you talk about for 30 minutes with no prep?

Video games

What goal do you want to accomplish for his year?

Win the Bernard Cup (soccer tournament) on his home field for his senior year

What qualities do you value most with a friend?


What makes someone a good person?


what is one way that you’ve  matured recently?

Taking more responsibility sat school and at home

If you could relive one moment in the last year, what would it be and why?

Winning the Bernard Cup

What is a long term dream of yours?

To be successful

Friday, September 22, 2023

Happy Birthday, Keira!

 Keira finished another cantor around the sun and turned 15 today. She has matured and grown so much in the last year, and we love being around for the ride.

Time for another round of birthday questions!

  1. Introvert or extrovert?


2. Song most likely to sing out loud:

I Don't Need Your Love from SIX the Musical

3. Describe a perfect day:

A long trail ride in the morning, eating lunch outside with a notebook to write in, spending time with Dusty and then going on one final trail ride

4. If you could travel to any place:

Maldives, for the beaches

5. When I was younger, I wanted to be a _ when I grew up:

Zoo keeper for cheetahs

6. Now I want to be a _ when I grow up:

Professional rider and writer who also manages a barn and teaches riding lessons

7. What new skill do you want to learn?

Equine Facilitated Learning

8. What activity calms you?

Trail riding

9. What is something that a lot of your friends don't know about you?

That I take writing really seriously

10. Most prized possession:

Reba's mane

11. What could you talk about for 30 minutes with no prep?

The difference between horse girls ans equestrians

12. Name an item form your bucket list:

Compete at the World Equestrian Center

13. What are the qualities that you value most in a friend?

Trustworthy, and not judgemental of my passions

14. What makes someone a good person?

Sticking up for what's right

15. One way that you have matured recently:

Realizing that jumping high doesn't make you a better rider than everyone else

16. If you could relive one day from the past year, what would it be?

Meeting Dusty for the first time

17. What is your long term dream?

Publishing a book

18. Birthday meal request:

Apple Kuchen (and buffalo wings with Dad)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Happy Birthday, Lennon!!

 Lennon turned 16 going on 30 today!!

He was at his soccer game until late, so I'll post this pic from his recent Frousin trip for now until he actually sits down for an official birthday pic. I'm sure that he will be motivated to do so :)

 Time for another round of birthday questions!

  1. Introvert or extrovert?


2. Song most likely to sing out loud:

Love. by Kid Cudi

3. Describe a perfect day:

Waking up early, eating breakfast out, and then watching a good soccer game on TV

4. If you could travel to any place:

Greece, to see all of the ancient architecture and the ocean

5. When I was younger, I wanted to be a _ when I grew up:

Soccer player

6. Now I want to be a _ when I grow up:

Physical Therapist

7. What new skill do you want to learn?

How to cut hair

8. What activity calms you?

Watching movie essays and reviews

9. What is something that a lot of your friends don't know about you?

That I worked at Shaws

10. Most prized possession:

His new iPhone 15, because he bought it with his money that he earned (and he loves phones) 

11. What could you talk about for 30 minutes with no prep?

Star Wars

12. Name an item form your bucket list:

Go paragliding

13. What are the qualities that you value most in a friend?

Someone who gets my sense of humor

14. What makes someone a good person?

If you go out of your way to understand where somebody is coming from

15. One way that you have matured recently:

He can do his own wash and cooking

16. If you could relive one day from the past year, what would it be?

The last day of the July Frousin trip

17. What is your long term dream?

Retire young with a lot of money 

18. Birthday meal request:

Tacos and a five layer chocolate cake





Thursday, May 11, 2023

Happy Birthday, Kassidy!

Kassidy turned 13 today- skipping her own unique path through life, and taking us all along for the weird and wonderful ride. 

20 Questions

If you could live a day as any type of animal, what would you choose and why?

A deer, so she could be in the woods. 


How did you find out Santa wasn’t real?

 Dad told her... and she still kinda thinks Santa is real


 What is the last photo on your camera roll?

 A picture of her and her friend Natalie


What’s your most repeated phrase?

"check on me" 


What is a hobby you want to get better at?

 Horseback riding and art

What was your favorite children’s book?

The Elephant and the Pig


What’s a favorite memory you have from the past year?

Changing schools


What is a product you cannot live without?

her blankie

What activity do you waste the most time on?



 Who is your favorite TikToker/YouTuber?

Doug the Pug


What’s your favorite sibling and pet?


 Would you rather eat sweet foods or salty foods?



 If you could be doing anything , anywhere right now, what would that be?

horseback riding

  What is happening in the world right now that worries you?

 the Willow Project 


 What makes you laugh?

When she scares her friends for fun. 


 What is the most interesting thing that you have learned at school?

DNA and chromosomes


What place would you most like to visit?



What is the one tool you would search for to survive the zombie apocalypse?



What invention do you think needs to be invented?

time machine


 What is currently your favorite song?

Loch Lomond by Natalie Merchant

Friday, May 5, 2023



Keira and I volunteer regularly at Elm Farm.  This is the sister farm to Dusty Dog Farm where we take lessons. At Elm Farm we run after school programs and programs for children and adults experiencing trauma. The horses there are all former lesson horses that retired, but they still have a lot of love to give and can be used for these programs. We are still putting hay out once or twice a day for our equine friends. We emptied one side of the hayloft a few weeks ago, now we get the hay from the other side that is only accessible via one small ladder and a makeshift ladder. I usually do the climbing to throw the square bails down, while Erin and Keira stack them down below on a palette so they will stay dry. We have started to take the hay out past the front paddock of the barn so the horses get used to being out on the range again. This has been a bit challenging as we have quite a bit of mud. We put they hay in the wheelbarrow and together we take it acrtoss the bridge, through the mud -we hope for the best to not get stuck in the mud-  and make some nice piles for each of the horses and our one darling pony.

                                                                     Keira and Erin

One of the horses, silly Findlay, is following the fully loaded wheelbarrows. He thinks he doesn't need to wait until we have made some piles.


I haven't posted any photos of us riding in a while. Below is a photo of me cantering Ice. He is a gentle old man and makes a great lesson horse.

Kassidy doesn't like me watching her lessons, but I was able to sneak a photo of her and her teacher Erin, who also happens to be my teacher, friend and barn wife and boss. Kassidy loves old man Dillon, who is around 22 years old and her favorite steed to ride. He is a typical pony (stubborn, at times pushy...), but she loves him.

In addition to riding lesson horses, Keira also gets to work my favorite horse Porsha, who is over at Elm Farm. As we take care of this lovely mare on a daily basis, we also get to ride her for free, weather and tien permitting.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Bathtime at Elm Farm

One a still rare warm spring day, we gave s ome of the horses, and the ponies a much needed bath.