Friday, September 22, 2017

Happy Birthday, Keira

Keira turned 9 today!

She is very smart and talented, and always ready to put on a show (but you better have your ticket).

Keira facts:

Birthday presents - Kindle and earrings/necklace set (Mom and Dad), Rapunzel dolls (Aunt Sue and Uncle Peter), leotard and stuffed animal (Grandma and Grandpa)
Favorite thing to do with Kassidy - play with their American Girl dolls
Favorite thing to do with Lennon - be silly
Favorite thing to do with Lukas - listen to music
Favorite thing to do with Katharine - art lessons
Favorite thing to do with Mommy - snuggle
Favorite thing to do with Daddy - Daddy daughter dates
Favorite thing to do with Sherman - play
Favorite thing to do with Pepper - petting him
Birthday meal - breakfast sausages and waffles
Keira falls asleep the fastest and easiest of all the kids
Favorite animal - cheetah
Favorite TV show - Lab Rats
Would you rather have the power to fly or be invisible? - Fly
Keira still has a bit of a temper
What she would like to try this year - ride a horse
Keira loves to talk on the phone
Favorite color - purple (of course)
Least favorite color - brown
3 things you would take with you to a deserted island - family / Heart / food & water
What she wants to be when she grows up - professional dancer, and then a zoo keeper when she retires
What does she dream about - being in Rapunzel's world
Favorite season - Fall
Favorite Peanuts characters - Linus / Lucy / Charlie Brown / Sally
Favorite thing to do in school - reading and the "Like Fred" math books
Least favorite thing to do in school - math
Favorite foods - spicy chips / mac and cheese / cantelope
Least favorite foods - peanut butter and jelly sandwich / apricots
Best friends - Kaili, Jane
How many kids will you have when you grow up? - 2
What she wants for Christmas - a big beanbag for her room
Who is your hero? - Rapunzel
What do you like to do when driving in the car - sing along to music and draw
What are you most scared of? - thunderstorms
Who do you think is really beautiful? - Emma Watson
Keira sleeps with all of her stuffed animals tucked in her arms
Keira really really wants a mermaid fin for the pool
Favorite singer - Ben Platt
What would you buy if you had one million dollars? - food to give to the poor