Thursday, March 22, 2018

R.A.D Exams 2018

Another R.A.D. ( Royal Academy of Dance) exam is in the books for the girls. A lot of hard work, patience and sweat was required, but they did it! Of course we won't get the results for  another two or three months. 

Keira took the level 3 graded exam this year. Above she is with Sophia, Miranda and Maggie. Three of her  other friends were in a different group. Only up to four exam candidates get examined at a time.

Keira loved learning the character dance. Character dances usually are based in fold dances from Europe. In the U.S. this is a dance form that is not taught anymore in the majority of ballet schools. The Candadians and Europeans still make character dance part of the dance training. Katharine would still love to take character dance if there was a class! 
This picture is from Katharine's first R.A.D. exam three years ago. That was level 7. This year, she took the advanced foundations exam which is a vocational exam, meaning that it is graded at the professional level. This was her third time being graded on that level. 

Just like in  the past years, Katharine has been partnered up with her friend Danielle.
I will have to ask Erik to post videos from dress rehearsal this past Sunday.