Saturday, January 24, 2009

The cousin sleepover: indoor fun

Cousins Jakob and Anna stayed over for a few days while their parents were traveling. They are great kids, but it definitely affirmed that four children are enough. Even so, we can't wait to have them visit us in Texas one day.

Five kids at the dinner table (Keira is probably right behind me on her favorite couch). Lennon loves to sign "more" (especially when there is food involved), so all of the other kids quickly picked up on that, no matter what language they spoke.

Anna lived in Katharine's nightgowns, and Katharine was always sporting some interesting custom head decor.

The couch runaround was their favorite game- dressed or naked.

Most of the time the game centered on the kids being chased by Lennon, who had a lot of fun despite being oblivious to the whole setup.
Tipped over arm chairs made for a pretend carriage.

Lennon was constantly playing catch with everyone.

Training for the arm chair high jump. Who knows, it might be an Olympic sport by the time he grows up.

Katharine gets points for artistry.

All the kids loved to draw. Anna was quite good.

Video games are fun, even when you only have a PlayStation and small TV. Jakob also had a DS, so we played some Mario Kart and Zelda as well.

Winding down with some Deutsch Disney.

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