Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Iria!

Iria partied with the youth tonight to celebrate her birthday.

The table started off very clean...

The kids sang "Happy Birthday" (this was Katharine's second encore, I believe).

The pink cupcakes were a hit, especially with Trinity.

The terrible (and cute) twosome of Lukas and Gwen. Their cupcakes were eventually confiscated...

Lennon slowly crushed the cupcake into his mouth.

Keira was already in bed when the party kicked off, but here is a photo of her eating jello from earlier. Her hands and face were red from the stuff by the time I got home.

Grandma's "chicken dance" birthday card went over big.

All the kids pitched in with opening the cards and gifts.

Some of Iria's birthday stash.

More chicken dancing.

Katharine gave Trinity an "upside down drawing", apparently drawn upside down. I need to dig into that a little deeper tomorrow...

Hugs and blurry pictures to wrap everything up- Happy Birthday Iria!



  1. Who knew I would end the day doing the chicken dance :)

  2. Iria
    The deal was that you would be video-ed DOING the "Funky Chicken", and that video would be posted on the blog for all to see!
