Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nutcracker Tea

Katharine, Lukas and I went to the Nutcracker Tea in Frisco yesterday, a fundraiser for the Frisco Ballet and a good opportunity for a special "Mommy and big kid outing", which I don't get to do too often. The kids had a lot of fun . We had tea, pink lemonade, a plates full of mini muffins, brownies, three different kinds of cheese and fruit. We got to take home and snowglobe with Katharine's and Lukas' picture in it, they each got to decorate a Nutcracker cookie, note the tons of sprinkles on Lukas' cookie, and they listened to the story of the Nutcracker, too.

I have to admit I doubted whether Lukas would really like it, he actually asked to go, but he did have a very good time and was happy to see orange cheese (translates to cheddar cheese) on his plate.

Katharine of course made a new friend.

very sprinkly cookies

Lukas was starting to get tired during story time, so he came back to the table to reenergize by eating some more icing and sprinkles off his cookie.

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