Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Visit to the Mud'kin Patch

We took a drive to a local pumpkin patch today with Maya and Jeramy. It was more of a crowded, muddy petting zoo than pumpkin patch, but we were saving our pumpkin purchase for the church sale anyways.

I always have a hard time taking pictures at petting zoos (every picture opportunity always seems to start off from the side or back), but I kept at it today so I could get some extra shots of Maya for some of her relatives.

Of all the kids, I think that Keira had the most fun. She was literally climbing out of her seat to try and touch the "Gah"(which is her word for cat/animal). She LOVES animals.


  1. Lukas enjoyed seeing all the animals very much. What stuck with me the most was him saying "Mommy, I saw cow poop shaped like a hear." Very observant, the little guy, or does he have good imagination? With all the mud, he must have been the only one seeing the actual cow poop.

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