Today being Fat Tuesday/ Shrove Tuesday or Fastnachtsdienstag had me making a special, once a year only eaten treat: Fastnachstkuechle. These delicious, in cinammon sugar rolled, diamond shaped little doughnuts are made only once a year, the tradition going back to when people would clear out their pantries before the start of Lent or Fastenzeit. Growing up, my Oma made these for about 4 families every Fat Tuesday, along with apple sauce or a compote of prunes, dates and figs (doesn't sound appealing, but actually tasted really good). This year, I decided to reinstate the tradition and make them myself, sans the compote. We served them with strawberries, homemade vanilla whipped cream, maple syrup and powdered sugar instead.
Keira rolled all the treats in cinnamon sugar.
I have been meaning to bake a Kaesekuchen for a few days now, but didn't get around to it until today. Oh, I also made the weekly loaf of bread.
Katharine produced this charcoal drawing today. she has been going to a portfolio class at a small but very good art school for the last few weeks now. The teacher invited her to drop in in one of the adult classes in the morning to get some extra instruction from the teacher. All the adults in this class are working artists. I think Katharine held her own, especially as she just started working with charcoal less than a week ago.