Friday, June 21, 2024

Happy Birthday to Me

 I just turned 56 this year, but who’s counting? Not me- I always forget my age and then somebody goes and reminds me..

20 Questions:

1. Introvert or Extrovert? 


2. Go-to sing out loud song?

Tough one… because I never really sing out loud. How about “The Hobo Song” by Old and in the Way?

3. What is your perfect day?

Building Legos, forest walks, a good movie, and working

4. Words of Wisdom?

Work harder than everybody else

5. If you could travel to any place, where would you go?


6. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Baseball player, astronaught, artist

7. What do you want to do when you retire?

Everything I’m doing now, but less of it

8. What new skill do you want to learn this year?


9. What is an activity that calms you?


10. What is something that most of your friends don’t know about you?

I once voted for Rudy Giuliani and was a fan of The Apprentice when it first came out

11. Most prized possession?

Arts and Crafts snowman that my Grandma made for me

12. What could you talk about for 30 minutes with no prep?

My comics

13. What is on your bucket list for this year?

Come up with a graphic novel submission 

14. Qualities that you most value in a friend?

Lots of good stories to listen to

15. What makes someone a good person?


16. How have you matured this year?

I’m getting better at saying “I’m sorry”

17. What event are you looking forward to this year?

My brother moving to Maine

18. If you could relive one moment from the last year, what would it be?

Bernard Cup OT win

19. Best thing about living in NH?

The landscape 

20. What have you been putting off?

Painting the front porch railings and barn