Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dress Rehearsal and Recital, Part II & Erik

Erik sends his love to everyone. They finished up in Belgium and headed back to Germany today where they will stay until Wednesday. It looks like Erik got promoted to "assistant driver of the colonel". He is a REAL colonel (John Antol) who used to run Ft. something or other. After he retired from the army, he started working for Gearbox as a consultant.

Lukas, Gwen, Katharine and Trinity after the recital today. Again, I can't say often enough how proud I am of those kids, not just my own, but Julie's, too. Lukas was all "super-smiles" after his dance when I picked him up backstage and he got an extra hug and squeeze from Ms. Angie. Ms. Ann, co-owner of Sheena's, was also very proud of her little "turkey", which is what she calls Lukas lovingly. Katharine and Lukas were mesmerized. Lukas especially enjoyed counting all the teenage boys, which there were 5 of and 4 pre-teen boy dancers, too. What a great thing for a little boy to see. Yes, dancing is a cool thing to do for boys and it's not just for girls. Katharine liked all the dances, but did enjoy the "Boys Are Back", a hip hop dance the 4 pre-teen boys performed. Erik and I have an ongoing argument about how well these student recitals are and if you can enjoy them. I enjoyed every dance and think everybody did a great job. For a student recital it was a very good production. Erik, you missed out on something! One more thing: Our girls got to see older girls of all body shapes dance without putting a label on them. Some of them are members of the Frisco Ballet. What a great thing for them to see that you can do something well, no matter what you look. I am glad that Sheena's sets an example in the world of dancing in that regard. 

"Cool Dude"

Pretty Ballerina Girls

Grandpa and Lukas

We went to "On The Border" for lunch.

So today was the actual recital. We were not allowed to take video or pictures during the show, but we took some pictures of very happy dancers afterwards. I could not have enjoyed the recital as much as I did without the help of Ms. Angi from church who came to baby-sit Lennon and Keira. Knowing they were in loving and good hands helped a lot and was so worth the money. I am sure there will be a third installment of rehearsal/ recital pictures coming soon, so bear with me.

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