Sunday, November 15, 2009

The CUMC Turkey Dinner

Our church held its annual turkey dinner at Southfork Ranch tonight; home of the ole' "Dallas" TV series.

Keira was -31 years old when that TV show debuted, so everything is all new to her.

Inside, the kids sat down to their deserts (!). Apparently, it is custom to rush up and grab the good deserts before the main course is laid out- otherwise you might not get anything later on. We kept them from eating a few of the pies, but just try and put mouth watering deserts down in front of hungry kids and see what happens.

Oh yeah, I already tried that once already:

Katharine played with Gabby, Mathew and Katie while I waited in the chow line for the dinner to be served.

Here it is. A pretty decent spread...

But of course, Katharine just picks out dinner rolls. She doesn't do meat or mushy.

Luckily, I have some up and coming carnivores which will allow me to go out and grill more often in the future.

Mark (front right) told me that all of his co-workers are playing Borderlands. Go Gearbox!

The dinner ended with a rousing choir performance, but I need to preface it with a picture from earlier on today:

This was Lukas's very own (debut) choir performance. I thought I saw him mouth one or two of the words, but for the most part he was silent and stayed seated. He can be pretty shy sometimes (he told us that he was just tired), so we gave him a lot of props for getting up there and trying... but this is not the boy that we know 95 percent of the rest of the time.

Now fast forward 8 hours later...

The youth choir performed at the end of the dinner, and Katharine could no longer contain herself just sitting in her chair. She rushed up next to the stage, started dancing, and soon just about every other kid in our section had joined her. And who is that dancing around like a spaz in front of about 1000 people to start the video off? Our little guy!

What a great way to end the day. Fun times!

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