Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tea for Five

On June 19th, all the big girls went out to tea: Grandpa's treat. Go Grandpa!
It was another thing that Anna had never done. Katharine is now a pro, as she gets to go out for tea whenever Grandma visits. It is always a special event. The day before I managed to snatch up cute dresses at Hanna Andersson that were on sale for a very, very good price. And hats, too.

There is always plenty of food and we usually end up taking home a couple of sandwiches, scones and dessert bars. The girls had a flower sandwich with their choice of ham, turkey, cheese, peanut butter and jelly or just jelly, fruit skewers and heart shaped mini muffins, as well as their choice of tea or pink lemonade and vanilla-strawberry ice-cream with sprinkles for dessert.

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