Thursday, May 11, 2017

Happy Birthday, Kassidy!

Kassidy turned 7 today. 

She has been counting down the months/weeks/days, and it did not disappoint- on what other day can you have cake and ice cream for breakfast :)

Kassidy Facts

Favorite foods: pasta, mac and cheese, pizza, ice cream
Least favorite foods: peanut butter and brussel sprouts
She will hollow out any type of bread that you give her (bagels, sandwich bread, baguette) and avoid eating the crust
Favorite colors: all of them
Favorite subject at school: reading
Least favorite subject at school: math
Despite her speech issues, Kassidy gets really good grades at school
Best friend at school: Jackson
Nicknames: "Dee Dee", "Sweet Kassidy", "Sweet Little Girl", "Sweet Little Thing"
Kassidy will burst out into song pretty much anywhere
Kassidy loves to read books, and will typically still be up an hour after bedtime reading in her bed (she is a definite night owl)
Kassidy likes to sleep with as many lights on as possible
Kassidy still gets afraid during heavy rain and thunderstorms. Cricket noises also scare her at night.
When Kassidy grows up she wants to be a zoo keeper or a ballerina
Favorite animal: lemur
If Kassidy could only take 3 things with her on a trip, she would take: her cars, her blanky, and her Mommy
Birthday presents: A Kit Kittredge American Girl Doll, Cars book, and a Shopkins play set (from us), Kit Kittredge doll accessories (from the grandparents) and a Minnie Mouse playset and doll (from Aunt Sue)
Favorite thing to do with Keira: play with dolls
Favorite thing to do with Lennon: sleep with him
Favorite thing to do with Lukas: hugs
Favorite thing to do with Katharine: dance
Favorite thing to do with Mommy: snuggle
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: talk
Kassidy's technology device of choice is the Ipad Mini, where she watches lots of nursery rhyme videos and plays "Playhome" games
Favorite quotes: "I love you", "Go away!!"