Friday, March 2, 2018


One of the boys'  science assignments this week was animal photography. I thought it would be fun to go to the zoo and give each of the kids a disposable camera. We arrived just as the zoo opened, which was great because all the animals were very active. I can't wait to see the kids' photos, it should be interesting.

I did not take a lot of pictures this time, but got a good one of the Western Bush Viper and one of the Western Lowland Gorilla silverbacks who was in a bad mood this morning, grunting and banging against the glass. The photo was from before he decided to be not as well behaved.

To end our wonderful morning at the zoo, we made a detour at the car dealership to drop off my van as the engine light started flashing on our way home. I sure hope the car problems will end soon. It is not a good feeling when that light starts to flash when you are driving on one of the busiest highways in the DFW area. We made it safely to the dealership and I now have a nice 8 seater Pilot loaner car.