Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween Preview

The kid's Halloween costumes are beginning to come together.

Katharine, fresh off a Daddy date to see the musical "Mary Poppins", went to a thrift store with Iria and picked up a bunch of pieces to transform herself into the famous nanny. Here she is showing me (and Lukas) a few of them.

Lukas and Lennon will both be going as Peter Pan; or will one be "Peter", and the other "Pan"? They didn't have Lukas's size at the Disney store, so Iria had to endure a week of Lukas waiting for it to arrive in the mail. 3 year olds don't have much patience, so you can guess how that all went...

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember Mary Poppins having a designer bag!! The costumes are wonderful. I can't wait until all the pieces are in place for my kids. Preview coming soon I hope!
