Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jack O' Lanterns

Yesterday afternoon we finally got around to carving our pumpkins. It seems like over the years I have gone from assistant carver (that was when we had Katharine only) to main carver. What a promotion! Everyone except Keira, who took a nice nap got involved. Well, not Erik, either. The kids first took a Sharpie to draw a design on their pumpkins. We then proceeded to decapitating each orange "sphere" and scooped out all the gunk. The comment I heard most was "yuck" and "stinky". Oh well, I guess not everybody gets as excited as me when it comes to getting messy. Katharine's design was very easy to follow, thanks to nice lines. Lukas had a face drawn that needed some imagination to see all the lines and Lennon's definitely was the most challenging to find a face in all the many different lines. Each pumpkin ended up needing carved hair on the sides. What's a Jack O' Lantern without hair, right?!

They all git tired and bored quickly and preferred sitting by the open window, watching bugs and being wrapped up in blankets.

We have a constant battle over things being boys or girls in our house. Here is Katharine's girl pumpkin.

This is Lennon's "pokin.
This is Lukas' scary boy pumpkin.

Oh yes, I am the one to blame for that when I told Katharine that the actor of Peter Pan is traditionally a woman. I am hoping that the "battle of the sexes" would have happened anyways.

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