Friday, March 20, 2009

Playdate and a visit to the zoo

Next time we will visit the zoo on a less crowded day.

"March of the Penguins"

Still sleeping, or should I say sleeping again.?

"Aff, aff!"

Sleeping Keira. The girl was up almost all of last night.

Lunch Break! It's so much nicer to eat outside!

Lennon watching the Gharial, a kind of alligator.

So today we went to the zoo, which was a zoo! Erik took the day off and we had a wonderful time. The kids did so good, considering it was the last day of Spring Break and the zoo was packed. Navigating a wagon and a stroller was not always easy, but doable. The kids saw their favorite animals: lions, they even had 3 lion cubs, elephants, the stinky rhinoceros, giraffes, crocodiles, snakes and birds and the gorillas. We didn't get to see the tigers as there were way TOO many people hanging out there. We enjoyed lunch, animals that are native to TX and perfect weather. The kids did awesome. None of them cried, threw temper tantrums or complained about anything. You go Doescher brood! Lennon was a riot, pointing at all the animals and crying out "aff, aff" when we saw the giraffes and roaring when he saw the gorillas. He also tried to figure out if he could get any closer than he already was. When we left the zoo, some of the zoo keepers where hanging out at the entrance and let some penguins and a boa constictor named Rosie loose.

Charlotte came over and spend Tuesday and some of Wednesday with us. The two beauties were quite adorable, singing songs outside and posing for the camera. Erik really needs to put up the video that I took of them.

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