Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lukas!

Lukas turned 7 years old today.

Here he is posed on his new bike (he would have been wearing a helmet if he was riding).

Lukas chose pizza for his birthday meal.

And Iria baked him a cool Death Star cake.

His big birthday present was the aforementioned bike, and he also received some Lego sets and an action figure (no surprises there).

Lukas Facts:

Favorite color: green
Favorite number: 7
Obsessed with Legos and bike riding
Sometimes he acts out stories with his fingers when he is bored
He is very mellow and good natured
He always knows a lot more than he lets on
When he grows up he wants to live in an apartment with Lennon, play video games, and be a zoo keeper
Favorite food: pizza, apples, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, hamburgers, Greek yogurt
Favorite school activity: story time
He hates wearing long sleeved shorts and long pants
Has been observed snuggled up with Kassidy at night
Favorite heroes: Batman and Luke Skywalker
Scared of: chainsaws and witches
Favorite season: summer
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite book: anything by Mo Willems
Favorite TV show: Ninjago
What gets him in trouble: not listening and bad choices
Sometimes he will suddenly read something out of the blue that surprises
He wants to ride a motorcycle when he grows up
Favorite dance style: Hip-Hop
He really, really hates peanut butter and Nutella

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