Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hagerman Wildlife Refuge

The kids and I have found a new favorite place in the DFW area: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge. 

We took two trips there in the last couple of days, and I am sure many more are to come.

Katharine is studying geology, biomes and the weather, so we are trying to go to as many places outdoor to experience the world around us and to understand it better.

This is a picture from our drive through the refuge last week, after we took a hike. 

The kids loved seeing great blue herons, little blue herons, cormorants, cattle herons, snowy egrets, a field of American lotus and much more! 

What a cool place!

The refuge is at the southeastern end of Lake Texoma. The town of Hagerman was located there until 1943, when the government decided to build Lake Texoma. All that's left of the town is the church ( not the original building) and the cemetery. The refuge covers more that 11,000 acres, and is the Winter home of up to 30,000 geese, as well as bald eagles, merlins, osprey eagles and more.

As we were leaving the refuge, we saw two bucks and two does, the highlight of our day.

These are pictures I had on my phone, there are more on Erik's Canon camera. Today we took the tram ride, watched a movie about hummingbirds, and got a group picture with the refuge's mascot.