Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trip Pics

Here are a bunch of pictures that I took on my phone and texted Iria over the course of our trip.


The rocky coast, just after our arrival.

Lennon, climbing a bunch of slippery and jagged rocks when he was still half asleep.

At my parents house, hanging out with the cats (the boy's favorite activity).

Building a Lego Cast Guard ship with Grandpa.

Looking over everybody's catches after the tide pool excursion.

First ride on a subway, on our way to the ballpark.

Fenway Park.

We stayed for three innings, and then caught the last two innings at home.

Embarking on the whale watch.

Returning from the whale watch.

Sunday morning.

At the Museum of Science.

Last views of Boston.

Goodbye hugs.

Airport wrestling.

Homeward bound.