Friday, May 11, 2018

Happy Birthday, Kassidy!

Kassidy completed her eight trip around the sun today.

She grows more unpredictable and wonderful every year, and remains oh so very "Kassidy".

Kassidy facts:

When Kassidy grows up she wants to be a ballerina.
When she is 30 she wants to live in a white house and be named Mary.
Favorite school subject: Poetry
Least favorite school subject: Math
Everybody in the house thinks that I spoil and baby Kassidy.
Favorite animals are tigers, lions, and cheetahs
Favorite color: pink
Favorite TV shows: Top Wing and Barbie
Favorite video game: 'My Playhome' and 'Fast motorcycle' on the iPad, 'Overwatch' on the XBox
Favorite friends: Kate, Oliver, Maren
3 things that she would bring with her to a deserted island: her cars, a blanket, and a bed
Favorite thing to do with Katharine: hugs
Favorite thing to do with Lukas: playing "Castle Crasher"
Favorite thing to do with Lennon: playing video games
Favorite thing to do with Keira: playing dolls
Favorite thing to do with Mommy: snuggling
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: laughs and funny stuff
Kassidy carries Pepper around by the nape of his neck, and she is one of his favorite people (he sleeps with her at night).
Favorite superheroes: Wonder Woman and Supergirl
Favorite book: Pippi Longstocking
Favorite food: Pizza, and break with Nutella
Least favorite food: Beans and chinese food
Kassidy is often up and walking around her room 2 hours after her bedtime.
That said, Kassidy is NOT a morning person and can be very grouchy after getting up.
Kassidy sleeps with a light on in her bed, and always asks if there will be thunderstorms and tornadoes tonight.
Kassidy wants to have 10 kids when she grows up.
Kassidy wants to go to Germany and Massachusetts for vacation.
If Kassidy had a super power, she would like to fly.
Favorite drink: lemonade and fruit punch
Kassidy is a very sloppy eater, and always finishes with food all over her face (especially if she is eating Nutella)
Kassidy likes to ride on her scooter and swing on her Mommy's swing when she is outside.
Kassidy Quotes: "All of them", "No!", "Can you please leave me alone?", "Go away!", "I love you", "What can I do?" (when she wants to play technology), "That's so boring!!", and "I'm so excited"
Kassidy will spontaneously break into song and/or laugh hysterically for no apparent reason.
Kassidy chose break sausage and orange juice and lunch at Chick-Fil-A for her birthday meal
Presents: Lego friends home (Grandparents), Vampirina mini-figures and car (Aunt Sue), Vampirina house and Disney book (parents), painted rock, rag doll, and a t-shirt (Keira)

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