Sunday, August 12, 2018


Katharine taught her siblings one of her Chemistry lessons. I figured, as long as the experiments are easy to  understand, they might as well participate. The first lesson was easy. All they had to do was figure out if air had mass. Katharine did a great job guiding  them through the experiment/ lesson.

As part of their Prairie Primer Science assignment, the girls had to learn about how roots work and how water gets from the roots up into the trunk and branches. It was hard to suck up water through straws that are taped together. They started with one straw, then added on more. They managed to tape 7 straws together and didn't get much water. This was supposed to help illustrate/ demonstrate osmosis, though I could not help but look for a  video that would explain things better. Yes, I found one and they watched that, too. They did have a lot of fun with the straws though.

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