Saturday, September 22, 2018

Happy Birthday, Keira!

Keira joined the decade club today, turning 10 years old.

We love our smart, creative, and very head-strong girl. 

Never trespass on her prairie :)

Keira facts:

Keira is obsessed with Little House on the Prairie and all things from that era (we are currently reading Little Women)
Keira loves to plan and organize
Favorite animal - still a cheetah
Favorite Disney character - Rapunzel
When she grows up - she wants to be either a farmer, dancer or zoo keeper
Favorite Little House book - The Long Winter
Favorite food - Her Mom's pulled pork
Favorite snack - Spicey Chips
Birthday meal - California Pizza Kitchen (pepperoni pizza)
Travel plans - Minnesota (Walnut Grove)
Favorite soup - tomato basil
Favorite drink - Lemonade (from the Little House recipe book)
Favorite hobbies - dancing and sewing
Favorite American Girl - Elizabeth
Best friends - Jane, Kaili, Mercy, Miss Terry
Favorite school subject - Crafts and anything from the prairie curriculum
Least favorite school subject - math
Keira does not like Fortnite or any video games, and sometimes that makes her feel like she doesn't fit in with her siblings
Typical Keira sighting - sitting on her bean bag sewing while watching Little House on the Prairie
Keira does not like elevators or planes
Keira is the first kid up every morning, and the first kid asleep at night
Keira loves ballet and jazz dance, but hates hip-hop
Keira likes cats more than dogs
Favorite holiday - Memorial Day
Favorite desert - Vanilla sundae
Keira has the cleanest room, and usually makes her bed every day
Keira is a bit of a control freak, and can get frustrated when things don't go her way
Favorite thing to do with Kassidy - play with their American Girl dolls
Favorite thing to do with Lennon - be silly
Favorite thing to do with Lukas - play in the rian
Favorite thing to do with Katharine - talk about art
Favorite thing to do with Mommy - love and cuddles
Favorite thing to do with Daddy - reading at nights and Daddy/Daughter dates
Birthday presents - loose change and a five dollar bill (Kassidy) / prairie boots (Grandparents) / boogie board (Aunt Sue and Uncle Peter) / Prairie books and quilt (Mom and Dad) / rag doll with quilt (Keira, to herself)

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