Sunday, February 10, 2019

RIP Pepper, and Happy Showers

Old man Pepper passed on today, after 15 years of great companionship.

Pepper facts:

Pepper was a great hunter, and was still catching mice when he was 15
Pepper loved to be sprinkled with water, and step into the shower after it was turned off
Favorite food: yogurt and Whisker Lick'ens crunchies
Pepper always meowed when he came back in from outside (he could use the pet door by himself)
Pepper liked to sleep in Kassidy's room
Pepper liked to nap in laundry and wicker baskets
Pepper always came into the bedroom at night for one last cuddle before sleep
Pepper loved to go outdoors, and sit under garden furniture in the rain
Pepper was very talkative, and would meow back to you if you started talking to him
Pepper and Sherman were friends, and Sherman always deferred to Pepper and watched over him
Pepper paid attention to what was on TV, more than most animals do
Pepper had long hair that would often get matted if he wasn't brushed
Pepper never scratched furniture and always used his litter box
Iria picked out Pepper at Petco with my Mom
Favorite spot to get rubbed: face, chin and behind the ears
At night Pepper would always come inside and sit on my lap while we watched TV
Iria hand-fed Pepper his crunchies and yogurt
Kassidy carried Pepper around by the nape of his neck, and he never fussed
Pepper never scratched or growled at any of our kids

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