Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yard play

It is springtime in Texas, so we have been taking advantage of this slim window of opportunity to go outside as much as possible. Iria - who has been suffering from massive allergies that grew into a full blown sinus infection - even came out after dinner. Who knows what allergens were blowing around in the air tonight, but sometimes it is just worth the risk :)

Katharine and Keira- always a good way to start a blog entry.

These shots are of me and the kids playing our new favorite game: Hula Hoop T-Rex.

That old net remains a favorite toy after all this time.

Keira's first front yard excursion on the ground. She needs to learn not to eat the grass.

Katharine street style.

Believe it or not, this tricycle stays inside most of the time. Yes... we have kids biking around inside our house.

Keira has been under-represented on the blog as of late, so here is a super cute shot that Iria took to make up for that.

I don't have an outdoor closeup of Lennon, because shortly after his bath he slipped on our bed and his chin came down square on the bed frame; splitting his lip and tongue in a number of places. A milk, two books (read through multiple times) and two wash cloths later he appeared to have recovered, but was still sporting a very fat lip.

1 comment:

  1. That lip got bigger after he bit himself again last night and decided to jump off the couch this morning, biting again in the same spot, which resulted in going to the doctor to have his already starting to get infected lip looked at. Thanks to Dr. Gothard, who took us even though he had a full schedule today. Of course Lennon doesn't slow down one bit, but I am freaking out every time he climbs on something.
