Monday, June 8, 2009


So - I am trying to figure out what to post and how to keep this blog thing as up to date as Erik does. He left for Europe today to do some research for the next game he's working on. I don't think I have an creative juices left. All that painting at church last week and inhaling paint fumes, preparing for VBS which involved inhaling sharpie fumes seems to have left my brain a big pile of mush. Yes, by now, the kids think we live at church. Over the last eight days, there was only one day we didn't go to church to do something. What is great about it is that Lukas has made some really good friends there: Danny and Jack Turner. Lukas can't wait to get there and doesn't care how long we stay, which is usually until 1 pm. He has such a blast. On top of that, we manages to toilet train him in only 4 days! Yeah for Lukas and being such a big boy now. My little guy is so proud of what he has accomplished! What seemed to help him along the most was getting some character underwear, which I thought I would NEVER get, well, it just shows that mothering requires flexibility. He's so proud to wear Star Wars boxers, that even in the smallest size 4 still fall off of him, but I better not suggest to put on some that fit better! Oh well,...Now we only have two more kids in diapers and hopefully it will be one only soon. Lennon goes to the bathroom with Lukas all the time now saying "go potty." We'll see how he does once we start when Vacation Bible School is over. Until then, the kids will get to spend a few more days with their friends and an awesome nursery staff while I get to build more trees, cacti, make rivers, grass AND enjoy some time with adults without being interrupted by a little person...I wonder when we get to go back to school? 

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