Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Birthday to me

So I turned 48 today. 

I still feel like 28, but look less and less like that every year..

Random Erik facts:

I finally got around to reading all of the Harry Potter books last month- I'm moving on to a bunch of Stephen King novels this summer
I always go out and eat Pho for lunch every Monday
Favorite TV shows: John Oliver / Silicon Valley / Fargo
I read the online version of the New York Times every morning
I love going to FC Dallas games
I walk up the stairs at work and skip the elevator and will take an afternoon walk around the soccer stadium every afternoon for exercise
I still want to learn how to play the banjo one day
I like to watch TV and/or play games late at night when I'm not freelancing
I prefer texting to calling
I hate driving, and am really bad at directions and parking my car
I love owning a dog
I love my wife and kids too :)