Friday, May 22, 2009

What Lennon and Keira are doing

Keira is 8 months old today. Lennon was 20 months on the 19th. My babies are growing way too fast! Lennon is looking more like a little boy now and not so much like a baby anymore. He is the biggest daredevil of all the kids. Katharine and Lukas were a lot more cautious at the same age. Lennon has a very good arm, which our friend Julie knows very well as she has been his target many times while waiting for the big kids to get out of their dance classes. He is still addicted to his soy milk. It takes him about 2 seconds to drink 9 ounces. He also loves spicy chips ( Garden of Eden's Hot Blues, loaded with chili powder). Lennon loves to sing and dance, do body slams, climb onto just about anything, he loves to race Lukas, loves books, but not so much reading by himself. He wants to be read to ALL the time. He will come into our bed with a bunch of books and his lovey, get under the covers and simply demand "book". He still likes to play with Duplos, the little kid version of Legos. He can have a nice temper tantrum. And turns out, he is so far a very sweet, protective and caring big brother to Keira. He makes sure the little girl has her pacifier or milk, whether she wants either or not. He checks on her when she cries and always makes sure she has enough toys to play with. Keira has been on the move for the last month now. He least favorite thing is her breathing treatment, who can blame her, but when she is very tired, she will fall asleep over it. Her lovey is a little bunny, however, in her bed she also has a sheep, four bears, an octupus, a donkey and a bunch of pacifiers. She loves to eat paper, a little more fiber can't hurt, right? Oh, and grass, too. Keira can laugh out really loud. She is the darling of the nursery workers at church, yeah, I am bragging. She is the first one of our children to be in the infant carrier for more than 7 months, so far, Katharine has held that record, the boys were out by 4 months. I guess what this means is that she is our "smallest" child and we all know we don't have small children. Hahaha! Keira is willing to taste any kind of food. She loves waffles of any kind because she can self feed that way. Today she tasted her first muffin at lunch at Einstein Bros. And she liked it. She seems to take after Katharine, because she has been eating stage 3 foods for the last month, basically skipping stage 2 foods, unlike the boys who were very by the book. So far, Keira has only the two bottom teeth. What else has she done? Oh yeah, she likes to pull out the construction paper on one of the shelf of our desk. Meals are always fun as she is super messy and our little cat, Pepper, is always there waiting to lick her little fingers which she is more than willing to let him lick. I don't have a good picture of it, so you just have to believe me. That cat loves baby food, prefers the meats and veggies over the fruit. The little girl loves her bath, but you better not try to get that washcloth out of her hands. We always have to have two on hand. One for her and one for me.  Keira has a cute little laugh and a very strong voice. She has a pretty sunny disposition and everybody simply adores her. No pictures today.

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