Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Mr. Mommy - Day 3

The roofers came today to replace the roof shingles, so I woke up early to get the dog walked before he started to freak out.

He was actually pretty calm all day- more nervous than agitated.

The roofers did their thing, and I guess we have a nice roof now. It is one of those expensive things that doesn't look or feel any different from before you got it done. The roofer guy was pretty happy about it, so there is that I guess.

After math we opened "the box", which was revealed to be a new Nintendo Labo kit. It is kind of like construction board Lego, that is played with like a video game.

We built the little RC car first, which moves around by the vibrations of the controllers that can be nested inside of it.

Then I had the kids design a mini-game for the car, using the always wonderful wood planks and a timer. It was a lot of fun.

Afterwards the boys continued on and put together the handlebar set for the racing game.

Tomorrow's project? 

A stack of mysterious paper appeared. Some think that it will be made into a comic, some suspect that it will be used for math problems. Both are wrong :)

Keira, always in Prairie mode nowadays, wrote out the menu on her slate tablet.

Next up was singing lessons, dance, and soccer- the usual afternoon block of activities.

I took a little detour on the way home and finally picked up the screen door that we ordered. It barely fit in the car, and those bungie chords are keeping it from taking my head off if I ever stop short.

That is Lennon's skills coach Nipper, who was all happy with himself because the kids had worked so hard that they had cut a darkened path through the turf.

Iria texted. She spent the day with her Mom and cousin's kid. Beautiful weather there, and beautiful location!

At home, Kassidy designed a zoo. She wasn't too interested in the Labo, so I am glad that she got her own project to do.

And Keira (still in Prairie mode) made traditional corn stalk dolls (minus the corn stalks).

I picked up Katharine from dance at 9:15 PM.

I let the boys play until I got home. 

Lukas is on a new Zelda kick, and now has more cool stuff than me again :(

And Lennon got to talk to and play with his friend Fox for a bit.

Everybody is now heading to bed. Maybe I will finally catch the Season 2 premier of Westworld!

No more art to do tonight, 50 pages of 70 complete :)

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