Friday, May 16, 2014

Going to the Zoo - Wilhelma Stuttgart

The Stuttgart Zoo, or Wilhelma, as it is locally known, is the largest combined botanical and zoological garden in Europe. It is part of Baden-Wuerttembergs Historical landmarks. It was built as private residence for King Wilhelm I. in the then - mid 19th century-  popular Moorish style, reminding us of the Alhambra in Spain. Some guide books call it the "Alhambra at the Neckar River".  2 Million visitors tour the zoo annually. Personally, the zoo has always been one of my favorites, but it also holds special memories of family trips there once or twice a year, with my dad pointing out all the different animals, reading to us, and just teaching us to observe, appreciate and respect all living things. The zoo has undergone many renovations and improvements, for animals and people alike.

The kids had fun exploring different ways of climbing and moving on the play structures inspired by how different animals move in their habitats.

King Wilhelm I. had botanists bring back seeds of Redwood trees when he had the gardens first built. Outside the US, Stuttgart is the only place you can find those majestic trees.

We don't get to see polar bears in Texas, so we enjoyed watching the ones in Stuttgart.

                     The Moorish architecture prompted me to take lots of pictures, what else?

 The visit ended with listening to these little penguins that sound like donkeys and a beautiful rainbow.