Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Kassidy!

Kassidy completed another trip around the sun today, turning four years old.

She continues to be the kid everyone wants to play with, but her toddler temperament definitely began to show. She is a great kid- but just don't ask to play with her cars.

Kassidy Facts:

Kassidy is very inquisitive, she is always pointing and saying "What's that?".
She loves to touch my face and move my eyebrows up and down, changing expressions.
She is still very much a Mommy's girl.
She runs around dancing and singing when she is not playing with her cars.
Outside she likes to ride around on her sit-down scooter.
Don't ever dare to touch one of her cars without getting her permission first.
Her favorite characters are Minnie Mouse and Pixar's Cars.
She loves to play 'Cookie Doodle' on the iPad.
She is very polite (uses "please" a lot).
Favorite color: Pink
She knows a lot of words, but is still pretty hard to understand most of the time.
Favorite foods: cereal, mac and cheese, bread and nutella, pizza, berries, cheese
Favorite drinks: soy milk
Favorite phrases (toddler alert): "No!", "Don't look at me!", "I do it myself!", "Stop it!", "Don't touch my cars!", "You poopy!", "Please help me."
Kassidy loves to put on dance shows with her sister Keira.
Katharine reads to Kassidy and takes care of her.
Kassidy pretty much just rough-houses with the boys.