Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More Munich

Across the street from our hotel was a metzgerei/ butcher. Every morning we could watch them make fresh sausages and other meaty items.

 While in Germany and France, we visited a lot of churches. The kids never got tired of it, thankfully. On the contrary, they wanted to light as many candles as possible to remember our dear friend Kara Cleckler who at the time was in the hospital in Dallas battling cancer. A battle she lost on January 10, 2014. Maybe being in all these churches brought a sense of peace to the kids. It sure did to me.
 The first church we visited was the beautiful St. Kateijen Kirche.

 The weather was lovely while visiting Munich, so we enjoyed being outside a lot. We walked through the Hofgaerten towards the Englischer Garten were we enjoyed watching surfers on the Eisbach. So much fun, but glad we were not in the frigid waters!
 Fritz wandered off and came back with a bag full Negerkuesse, a treat we can't get here in the US. It is a mountain of whipped eggwhites and sugar on a thin wafer and then covered with chocolate! The memories this brought back! The kids enjoyed the stickiness and the adventure of trying a new treat. After the walk in the park, we stopped by  few stores and in general simply enjoyed taking in the sights.